More About Our Store
belleNEST was launched in September 2020. This project is a result of our founder Ira’s love for minimalism, aesthetics and Scandinavian design as well as an attempt to share her passion with like-minded people.
To us, belleNEST is more than just an online store, it is a lifestyle. We try to bring to you the Norwegian idea of koselig-cosiness. Koselig isn’t a direct transalation of “cozy”, it is a feeling of snugness, it is a warm hug.
You can achieve koselig in the comfort of your own home, nestled in your blanket, reading a book while sipping on hot cocoa.
When it came to giving a name to this brand, Ira knew she wanted this space to become a destination for people looking to beautify their homes, their nests. Hence, the name belle nest, “belle” means beautiful in French and “nest” is your home, your koselig.